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Data Marketplace
Assist business decision-making through third-party data analysis. Enrich first-party data by integrating it with third-party data to drive data-driven decisions.
Diverse data supply
Provide diverse data and combine them to offer market insights
Foot traffic data
Analyze foot traffic patterns and identify popular locations
Wee's foot traffic data includes the hourly changes of foot traffic in different areas. By utilizing this data, it is possible to further analyze popular locations, track movement patterns, and assist in store location selection and evaluating the effectiveness of activities.
Cross-border data
Capture the movement and duration of stay of cross-border travelers
Wee possesses foot traffic data from multiple countries in Asia. Through data analysis, we can identify cross-border travelers and analyze their travel behaviors, including movement routes, places of stay, and duration of stay. This information can assist governments and businesses in formulating tourism strategies.
Transaction data
Analyze consumer shopping preferences and merchant sales performance
Utilizing transaction data as a foundation and leveraging government open data for calibration, accurately estimate sales performance for various regions, time periods, stores, and product categories. Additionally, gain insights into consumer preferences based on audience profiles.
POI data
Identify the locations visited by the audience
POI (Point of Interest) refers to landmarks, attractions, and other data on a map. POI data can empower foot traffic and consumer data, helping to identify the frequently visited locations of the audience.
App data
Gain insights into the App market landscape and audience interest preferences
Wee possesses App data for mobile devices. App data can assist App operators in understanding their own performance and that of their competitors in the market. Additionally, it can be used to piece together the audience's interest and preferences based on App usage
Open data
Aggregate diverse and comprehensive open data sources
Wee possesses diverse and high-quality data from various sources. Leveraging powerful data processing and analytics capabilities, we integrate data from a wide range of sources to provide valuable market insights
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Audience data
Diversified audience data for precise targeting and audience segmentation
Audience data includes predefined audience segments and audience insight reports generated by Vpon's advertising data and other data partners. With audience data, you can find the desired targeting for downloads, targeted advertising, and audience tagging. This helps enrich the required data for model building, implement digital marketing, expand internal databases, or carry out other data applications. Currently, we have accumulated over 13 categories and thousands of audience segments available for various brands in the market.
5 Star Hotels Consumers
People who have consumed products or services from the 5 Star hotels in Taiwan.
Japanese Drug Store Shoppers
People who have purchased products from Japanese Drug Store in Taiwan.
People who have used Japan travel Apps.
People who have high spending on luxurious lifestyle regularly, used corresponding App in Hong Kong.
Cosmeceutical Consumers
People who have purchased cosmeceutical products in Taiwan.
Kanto Region Foreign Visitors
Foreign people who have visited Kanto Region.
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